Friday, September 7, 2007

Word of the Month

Well, I officially declared "Mack Daddy" to be my word of the month for September. Inspired by John from Trademark Realty, it is so wrong, it's right. Besides, you can pretty much use it in any sentence and apply it to just about any situation. It can be a noun or an adjective--and probably something else, but grammar stuff was never my strongest subject. In case you want to try it out, here are a few sample sentences you can try it out in:

"I'll mack daddy your face!" (use when frustrated or if you feel like teasing)
"What a Mack Daddy!" (can be used with a positive or negative connotation)
"This is the mack daddy of all cars on the road" (to specifically declare how utterly cool something/someone is)
"What in the mack daddy were you thinking?" (not really sure, but I like the flow)

I probably should say, that I firmly believe that the two must be used together. Not to be split and used separately or alone. Apart, Mack and Daddy are no longer ebony and ivory, living side by side...the way they were meant to be.

1 comment:

Erin said...

ahaha. you are so funny. i can totally hear you saying those. hopefully you start a word of the month or phrase! when are you coming out here! i miss you!!!