Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Grey's Anatomy-Fact or Fiction?
So, I was eating dinner at the Corner Bakery the other night and couldn't help but over hear a conversation across the way. Two women were sitting and discussing what sounded like the health condition of one of their mothers. Apparently, she had just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. They continued on in discussing what the doctor had told her to expect in the coming weeks, months, years. As their conversation continued, one of the women asked her dinner mate if she ever watched Grey's Anatomy? When I heard this, I immediately thought, what does this have to do with your mother? Well, it didn't take long to find out. She conveyed, in a very matter-of-fact manner, that Meredith's mother had Alzheimer's as well, but she came out of it at one point and remembered her daughter, but came back thinking it was year's earlier than it actually was. Now, I'm not going to lie, but this disturbed me for a number of reasons. First, Meredith's mother suffered from Dementia. Wrong illness. Second, Grey's Anatomy is a show, produced for entertainment, acted out by actors, and should not in any way be used as a reference for medical diagnoses. Third, I wondered if at some point in my life I will be that lady--comparing my life to that of the latest soap opera and identifying my situation with the lead character. If I ever do get to that point, someone, please, slap me and tell me to snap out of it. And if I don't, I give you permission to take away my driver's license. Institutionalize me. Drug me. Because, I apparently should not be a part of society any this a little dramatic? I don't know. But, I'm pretty sure I won't be old and talking to my cat (I dislike cat's), so that's probably the only other alternative. However, I like to think that if I've lost it, that at least I'll be spunky enough to raise a little hell in the rest home instead of moping around complaining about my latest hip replacement.
Posted by
10:50 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Olvera Street
New Discovery--Olvera Street. Thanks to Tim, Emma and Scott, I was served up a day filled with yummy taquitos (smothered in green avocado sauce), some shopping and entertainment! If you've never been, I suggest you check it out. Well worth a trip up the 5 freeway.
Tim and me eating super delicious taquitos!
Emma and Scott eating theirs!
A little afternoon drumming and dancing! And yes, those outfits were available for purchase!
"Um, we'd like to try on the large sombrero's? These are just a little smaller than what we were looking for!"
"GRRRR! Can you say Nacho Libre meets Tony the Tiger? These masks were everywhere!"
Posted by
1:21 PM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Follow Directions Carefully
K, so I'm a slight retard. Middle name, Katie, not first least I only have to change two letters.
The Rules are:
1) Players, you must list one or more facts that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use the middle name that you wish you had.)
2) When tagged, you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name facts.
3) At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don't forget to leave a comment telling them that they're tagged and to read your blog.
M-Musical (well, I'm not tone deaf)
A-Able, Affable, Amiable, Amusing, Amazing
R-Right (I'm pretty much right 95% of the time. The other 5%, is spent telling you why I may not be right, but why you aren't
I-Intelligent, Intense, Inventive, Imaginative, Independent
E-Eager, Easy-going, Entertaining, Evolving, Enough
Posted by
2:35 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Thanks Erin! Tag, Allyson!
The Rules are:
1) Players, you must list one or more facts that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use the middle name that you wish you had.)
2) When tagged, you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name facts.
3) At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don't forget to leave a comment telling them that they're tagged and to read your blog.
K-Kind, Kicky, Kissy, Knowledgeable
A-Able, Affable, Amiable, Amusing, Amazing
T-Tall, Thankful, Tense (mostly in the neck and shoulders), Tender, Thoughtful, Talented
I-Intelligent, Intense, Inventive, Imaginative, Independent
E-Eager, Easy-going, Entertaining, Evolving, Enough
Tag: Allyson
Posted by
1:47 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Stewart Visits the Doctor
Anyone that knows me, knows that I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE to laugh! And that usually, I am laughing at my own jokes. What can I say, I'm my best audience. But, for those days when I just can't seem to make myself smile, I have re-discovered Mad TV's "Stewart". This sketch in particular, makes me laugh out loud--and I feel the need to share my indulgence with the rest of you. So, if you are in need of a giggle, this has been given the "no courtesy laugh needed" stamp of approval. Hope you like!
YouTube - Stuart doctor
Posted by
6:59 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
"I've got the most scathingly brilliant idea!"
Two movies that every girl who grew up watching Hayley Mills should see! These two are favorites of mine and my sister. I hope you enjoy them as much as we have over the years! Besides, every girl needs a little Tom Hamilton in her life to make her feel romantic and a little Mary Clancy to show her how to have a scathingly brilliant idea! Enjoy!
The Trouble With Angels
Coming of age story for two girls, Mary Clancy and Rachel Devery, who find themselves as students at the St. Francis Academy, a catholic boarding school for girls. The story spans three years and follows the girls and their many pranks including setting off fire alarms, smoking cigars in the basement and putting bubble baths in the nuns' sugar bowls. As the girls mature, they gain a greater respect for their teachers and the commitment and devotion required to be a nun, leading one of them to make a life changing decision.
Summer Magic
Disney musical about a Bostonian widow and her three children who move to Maine. Postmaster Osh Popham helps them move into a run-down old house and fixes it up for them. It's not entirely uninhabited, though; the owner, a Mr. Hamilton, is a mysterious character away in Europe, but Osh assures them he won't mind their living there, since he won't be coming home for a long time yet. The children and a cousin who comes to live with them have various adventures before an unexpected visitor shows up.
Posted by
10:02 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Word of the Month
Well, I officially declared "Mack Daddy" to be my word of the month for September. Inspired by John from Trademark Realty, it is so wrong, it's right. Besides, you can pretty much use it in any sentence and apply it to just about any situation. It can be a noun or an adjective--and probably something else, but grammar stuff was never my strongest subject. In case you want to try it out, here are a few sample sentences you can try it out in:
"I'll mack daddy your face!" (use when frustrated or if you feel like teasing)
"What a Mack Daddy!" (can be used with a positive or negative connotation)
"This is the mack daddy of all cars on the road" (to specifically declare how utterly cool something/someone is)
"What in the mack daddy were you thinking?" (not really sure, but I like the flow)
I probably should say, that I firmly believe that the two must be used together. Not to be split and used separately or alone. Apart, Mack and Daddy are no longer ebony and ivory, living side by side...the way they were meant to be.
Posted by
5:28 PM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Thank you for Being a Friend...
It was so fun to be back in Utah again a few weeks ago. Especially to see those people that mean so much to me in my life and to whom I can say, I would not be who I am today, were it not for their support and influence in my life. I was able to go to lunch with my old boss, Julie Hatchett, at BYU. Julie was and is someone who has been more than just an employer--she has been my friend, confidant, support and personal cheerleader. Julie taught me how to jump in to the deep end--she showed me how to stretch myself and plow a path to accomplishment. She has been an example to me of how to balance fun and responsibility. I will always hold her in the highest regard and will be forever grateful for her believing in me.
Then there is my Natalie. I wouldn't even know where to begin bragging about how lucky I am to have her in my life. Natalie and I became friends in college at BYU--back in the days of the Avenues and Matt Herzog, lol. Her friendship has been more of a sisterhood to me--she has an uncanny ability to call just when I need it most. It is a rare occurrence to find a friend that somehow knows what you need when you need it, without you ever telling them. Besides, she is one of the most talented people I know. She puts on a mean party, bakes a killer roast, and is everything darling you could think of. She is a kindred spirit--she's my Nat.
Congratulations to the sassiest of them all--Shanna banana! Shanna graced my life last year when she moved to California for a few months. Apart from almost getting killed by a mad man with a hook for an arm (can you say stranger danger, Shanna?), Shanna's sense of humor and sass was (and for a lack of better words) a breath of fresh air. There's no one else I would rather jump on hotel beds with! Hopefully, her new husband will do that with her--otherwise I may have to steal her away every so often. Shanna's wedding was beautiful. I was so thrilled to be able to be there to see her so happy--I wish her and Nate all the best in the world.
Posted by
10:52 AM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Ok Nat, this one's for you!
I've been tagged!
4 Jobs I Have Had...
1. Purchasing Manager/Global Account Manager (for about 3 years now)
2. BYU Testing Center
3. Flagger (way dirty!)
4. BYU Office of Freshman Year
4 Movies I Can Watch Over and Over Again...
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Zoolander
3. Meet me in St. Louis
4. Girls Just Want to Have Fun/Troop Beverly Hills (Tie, can't watch one without the other)
4 Places I Have Lived...
1. SLC, UT
2. Tempe, AZ
3. Tuscany and Perugia Italy
4. NYC, Denver, Portland, Orange County...
4 Favorite TV Shows...
1. Ugly Betty
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Amazing Race
4. Jeopardy
4 Places I Have Been On Holiday...
1. Italy
2. Hawaii
3. Canada
4. Caribbean
4 Favorite Dishes...
1. Lasagna
2. Godiva Chocolate Cheese Cake
3. Fruit
4. Ice Cream
4 Websites I Visit Daily...
1. Banana Republic (every other day)
2. My work website
3. Costco
4. Blogger
4 Places I Would Rather Be Right Now...
1. At the beach!
2. In New York, going to see Wicked
3. In Florence, shopping in the market
4. At my sisters, playing with my nephews
Now here are 4 people that I am tagging...
1. Erin
2. Monica
3. My sister (lol, ya right)
4. Anyone who reads this...yes, that means YOU!
Posted by
8:29 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
House of Blues starring....EMMA JANE!
Congrats Emma Jane (and baby) for rocking it on stage last night at the House of Blues! We had a blast watching!
Posted by
6:37 PM
Lets go fly a kite...or ride a bike!
The last two weeks of July have been nothing short of fun! Thanks to T, J and B, I escaped work early one Friday for a relaxing day at the beach riding bikes and eating frozen chocolate covered bananas-with nuts, not sprinkles. I think I could have ridden for hours, and perhaps we would have, had it not been for a sudden, unexpected trick gone wrong. Jeff slashed his shin open, but he was so brave. He didn't even cry. And once again, super glue came to the rescue! Which reminds me, I think I need to stock up...
Posted by
6:25 PM
Monday, July 30, 2007
And this little piggy went...
Well, this is a tribute to Teddy! The youngest of the Low clan currently serving in the Independence, MO mission. I have missed him terribly--especially his ability to make me laugh with the crazy stuff he does. The stuff that make my parents shake their heads, but I find hilarious. Although, I don't always laugh. Which reminds me of the time that James and Ted came to visit me at BYU. I had to give a talk and had a new outfit that I was going to wear. I layed it out on my bed while I was getting ready--I thought it would be safe. I also had a candle burning in my room. I should have known better. My mom asked the boys to blow the candle out. Obediently they went into my room and boy, did they blow that candle out. They blew it out soooo hard, that wax sprayed across the room like a slashed artery, covering my outfit and bed. They swear to this day, they had no idea that shooting the candle out with their pellet guns would have such an explosive effect. I've forgiven them. But, I can't laugh about it yet. Here is a picture of Teddy in Kansas, just before his transfer this week, slaughtering a pig. Only in the midwest...
Posted by
2:42 PM
Caution: Ear Plugs
Just a word of warning...when flying on a plane and engaging in the use of ear plugs to regulate pressure on take-off or landing, please read instructions carefully and thoroughly. Otherwise, you might end up like the the gentleman who sat to my left last week from Colorado to Arizona. Unfortunately, he did not read the instructions correctly, and instead of plugging his nose and blowing before inserting the ear plug, he did it after. Taking off in Tennessee, proved to be a bit painful as the ear plug was sucked into his ear canal. No longer visible to the naked eye by looking in the ear. However, you could see the outline of it on his neck, directly behind and a little south of his ear...OUCH!
Posted by
1:39 PM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Is there even such a thing as the mile high club anymore?
Not that I would ever want to join that club. I was just wondering that the other day as the pilot of my flight announced that only one person could be in the bathroom and waiting in the galley was not permitted. So, someone would surely notice if one person left to go to that box they call a bathroom and didn't come back and another person followed shortly thereafter, right? And if that were the case, I have to wonder what training protocol would be for flight attendants in that situation...
So, travels for the next few months are going to be often and everywhere. Since I'll be getting around a lot(in the jetsetting term, not the other way), I thought I would let you all know POD's and ETA's! Let me know if you are close by and want to get together!
July 7-15: Arizona
July 19-20: Santa Cruz/San Jose
July 23-26: Arizona
August 1-5: Utah
August 8-10: NorCal (yes, again!)
August 15-17: Back to Utah
August 19-26? (approx.): Hawaii (and yes, this is work related)
August 31-September 4: Iowa/Ohio
And thats all for now, folks. I'll know what September and October hold in store for me in a week or so. Hopefully, I'll be able to catch up with many of you!
Posted by
7:58 PM
Monday, July 9, 2007
See the Low's. See the Low's Grow. Grow, Low's, Grow!

Posted by
7:59 PM
Friday, July 6, 2007
Toilet seat covers...
A few Random Thoughts:
1. I like the fact that they are multi-purpose. If you are ever feeling shiny/oily, use it to blot the oil off of your face.
2. Didn't find ANY, on more than one occasion, while in Dallas. Which makes me wonder, does Texas have too much pride--lets be honest, their rear ends are not any cleaner or disease exempt than anyone elses.
3. They become an unusual annoyance when you sit on them and your rear is a little sweaty. Especially when you rise and it sticks to your thighs so that the middle part sways and begins to threaten to douse you in toilet water...
4. Was the ant I saw on my toilet seat cover the other day at work there before I sat down or because I sat down. I'm distressed needless to say over this one. And I had issues with things flying up out of a port-a-potty.
Posted by
3:44 PM
I'm leaving on a jet plane...
Good bye ocean and Wahoo's, hello desert and Costco hot dogs! Going to be in Arizona this week for work and I think it is going to be a long week! I have been thinking about what to pack and the following sentance just keeps running through my head, "Does it really matter? You are going to start sweating the minute you land anyway." Lovely thought, huh? I guess I am just going to have to get on the hotel dry cleaning service. Anyway, lets keep our fingers crossed as the traveling begins again and let's hope that I am able to stay away from the freaks, geeks, and hygiene-challenged!
Posted by
3:39 PM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
From Sea to Shining Sea
First of all, I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July. I was contemplating this amazing holiday yesterday and I can't help but feel somewhat sad. I was thinking about how many businesses stay open hoping to capitalize on a few extra bucks during this day. In fact, so many businesses have decided to stay open, that, it doesn't even seem so much like a holiday anymore. Why is it, that the desire to make money overshadows the desire to pay homage to one of the greatest blessings we've been given--that of a free country that allows us the opportunity to be successful in our ventures. It seems only appropriate to close up shop for one day to pay respect to the country that has given so much. Has the 4th of July become nothing more than a free day for the corporate world and what does this mean for the future of all holidays?
Posted by
1:22 PM
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Am I getting a raise for this???
Inter-company Escort Service
Apparently I have founded the escort service at my company for any single males visiting the Southern California area. Within the space of two days, I was asked to dinner by an IT manager and a warehouse manager. All I want to know, is, am I getting bonused for this??? At the least, this is really good practice in building my conversation skills and hopefully making it past an initial first date. Practice makes perfect, right? Well, I'm going to change that statement to, practice makes close to normal for me!
Posted by
10:15 PM
Friday, June 29, 2007
Something funny this way comes...
So, Erin requested that I share a funny experience I recently had while flying from Salt Lake City to Sacramento. Somehow, this flight ended up lasting 5 hours with stops in Phoenix and Ontario. A little out of the way, you say? Slightly.
Anyhow, apparently I wasn't the only crazy person to book this long legged flight, and after the first stop, those in it for the long haul ended up all sitting towards the front. Well, each segment of the flight was full, so, there was no way of maneuvering an empty seat next to you. This is where the story begins...
Leg 1: Flight is full, but it leaves on time. Flight attendants are male, and one thinks he is a joker. He kind of creeps me out. I think it was the bug-like eyes and the wide yellow-toothed smile that uttered the words, "Well, hello gorgeous!", that make me hug the window of that plane. Thank goodness for the book that Natalie gave me the day before. A good excuse for eye contact diversion. I have a Dr. Pepper, but wonder if he has tainted it...
Leg 2: I switch seats. Move a little closer to the front and to the opposite side. I should have stayed put. They begin the pre-board of the elderly, disabled, and families with small children. I look up from my book and there he is. Headed right in my direction. A "large" man, juggling and slamming three diaper bag sized satchels into each seat has he maneuvers his way towards me. He is the spitting image of Chris Farley meets the trailer park at Nascar. There is something hanging under his right arm, under mounds of flesh and hair and I soon discover that there, hanging like a rag doll, is his daughter...I am amazed as she just dangles there calmly, drinking her sippy cup as she is swung from side to side. It is amazing that the sippy cup doesn't lodge itself into the roof of her mouth. I hold my breath and breathe a sigh of relief as he sets up camp across the aisle from where I sit. I exhaled too soon. Not two seconds later did his wife come barrelling down the aisle with the other 5 bags and their second daughter. This time, luck has the last laugh. She takes the aisle seat in my row. The only hope I have is that this leg isn't full. As the plane continues its boarding, they swap children, mid air between passengers. I try to focus on my book, but before I know it, there is her youngest, coughing and snorting snot in and out of her little nose, laying half on/half off the seat between us. In record time, her mother yanks off her clothes, whips off her diaper, and begins the wipe down. I try not to look to see what touches the seat. She gets the clean diaper under the poor thing, and begins the process of attaching and reattaching the Velcro waist. She rolls the kid this way and that, back and forth, checking to see that both bum cheekies are fully covered. However, unbenounced to her, every time she rolls her daughter back, the poor child's head is knocked into the arm rest. After about the fourth time, she finally cries out in pain. Poor thing. Time again to swap kids and here comes the other daughter. The plane is almost full, and thus proceeds the changing of daughter number two. The plane is pretty much ready to go by the time she has stuffed both dirty diapers and wipes into the seat pocket in front of her, when I see a mother and daughter pair return from the back of the plane. There are only two open seats left. Next to me and across the aisle. The daughter sits next to me and I feel for her. At least I have the window to hug. Take off time has arrived. As we soar into the air, and the captain announces that all electronic devices can now be used, I look up for a brief moment. I am flabbergasted at the sight across the aisle. There amidst two sick children and a wife that hasn't stopped talking to every stranger on the plane, is the large man, sitting there in all beer-bellied glory, naked from the waist up. His shirt laying like a blanket over his breasts and gut. In shock, I wonder to myself, isn't there a "no shirt, no shoes, no fly" sign posted somewhere? This is definitely violating my personal space, and I'm not even sitting next to him! The drinks arrive, and I am smart enough to know that close quarters+spastic children+liquids=DISASTER. The girl next to me is not so wise in her youth. And after one sip, her drink is kicked over and dumped straight onto the lap of its owner. I bite my lip. One hour, 30 minutes or so later, the plane lands and the happy family, deplanes. I can almost hear cheering all around me. The plane empties, and those of us remaining, are speechless. We all make eye contact and know exactly what the other is thinking, but there aren't words to describe it.
Leg 3: I switch rows and seats. I took all necessary steps to get out of that germ infested row and into a different window seat. This leg, I tell the bug-eyed attendant, I can't stand to smell another bag of peanuts. Does he not have crackers? He slips me a bag of Ritz baked crackers. My consolation prize for a flight well endured.
I found this shortly thereafter and felt I needed to pay tribute to the belly's of the world.
Posted by
5:45 PM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Day One
I haven't completely decided how I feel about this whole blogging bit. Apparently I am going to have to start doing something interesting with my life, so that I actually have something to write about. At the least, I guess, I could write my random thoughts (I will have to write some kind of disclosure or warning, however) and experiences while on my travels. So, I guess, read on at your own pleasure or risk! I'm sure to have a funny story or two by Sunday.
Posted by
4:21 PM